Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
Conferenceseries Joint International Event on 7th Pharmacovigilance & Pharmaceutical Industry, will be organized around the theme “Ensuring Safer Therapeutics in Healthcare System ”
Pharmacovigilance 2016 is comprised of 18 tracks and 102 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Pharmacovigilance 2016.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
The clinical trial industry is constantly evolving with diversified clinical research technologies and new clinical studies are being launched at an ever-growing pace. Clinical trials have always been a vital part of the medicine development process, as they provide clinical data on the best ways for treating pathological disorders and diseases. The importance of diversity in industrial clinical trials and clinical research is to ensure that industrial clinical trials are doing due diligence and being as strategic as possible in their results. Diverse populations in clinical trials and clinical research also help in determining the level of safety and effectiveness of the medicinal products. FDA makes sure that people of different ages, races, ethnic groups and genders are included in clinical trials. This diversity makes us to better understand the unmet medical needs of patients. There are many obstacles to increasing participation in clinical trials but the main barrier is lack of awareness and misunderstanding the clinical trials.
- Track 1-1Pharmacovigilance of Herbal Medicines and Dietary Supplements
- Track 1-2Pharmacovigilance of medical devices
- Track 1-3Pharmacovigilance of vetenary products
Pre-Clinical and Clinical Trials aims at testing the potentiality of medicinal therapeutic efficacy of pharmaceutical products on cells and animals. Clinical trials is the propagative studies conducted on patients using of patient data, disease mechanisms, therapeutic interventions and epidemiology, patient centric approach and benefit risk management. Pre-Clinical trials are essential before a company starts performing the clinical trials and helps in calculating toxicity, efficacy and collecting pharmacokinetic data. Pre-Clinical and Clinical Trials involve intervention of human subjects to study the cause-and-effect relationship between a medical intervention and a health outcome. The perfect outcome of clinical trials is minimize risks, enhance benefits, and optimal use of an intervention of therapeutic drugs.
- Track 2-1Designing of trials: pre-clinical studies and different phases of clinical trials
- Track 2-2Bioassay and its types
- Track 2-3Data collection and quality control
- Track 2-4Alternative trials design and models
- Track 2-5Multi center trials and monitoring
- Track 2-6Regulatory authorities and ethics committee
- Track 2-7Advanced Information technology in clinical trials and promoting companies
- Track 2-8Clinical trials on drugs used in respiratory disorders
Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) is the contrary reaction caused by taking a medication. Many Adverse Drug Reactions represent an overwhelming side effects of the drug's therapeutic effects and are due to administration of single dose or prolonged usage of drug. These reactions are caused by a single drug or combination of multiple drugs. ADRs can be local i.e, limited to certain location or it can be systemic i.e, spread throughout whole systemic circulation. According to US FDA an adverse drug reaction is severe when it leads to death of patient or causes permanent damage or significant disability in patient’s body functions. Adverse Drug Reactions of Drugs can be studied by reporting the mechanism of adverse drug reactions and maintaining the drug safety systems. This track is about expected and un-expected drug reactions and its reporting. Manufacturers, Professionals, and Consumers can report Post marketing reports on adverse effects.
- Track 3-1Acute and chronic adverse drug events
- Track 3-2Classification of various adverse drug reactions
- Track 3-3Mechanism of adverse drug reactions
- Track 3-4Assessing and reporting adverse drug reactions
- Track 3-5Expected and un-expected drug reactions and its reporting
- Track 3-6Post marketing reports on adverse effects
Clinical trials generally include interference such as medication, psychotherapy, new equipments and new approaches to surgery or radiation therapy. Clinical trials helps in inventing new ways to treat a particular disorder or condition and provide best possible ways to detect the presence of certain disorder or condition. Clinical Trials on various diseases include Clinical Trials in long chronic diseases like AIDS, Benign and Malignant Tumours, Cardiovascular diseases, Diabetes, Clinical Trials on Monoclonal and Polyclonal Antibodies, Neurological, Physiological and Psychological Disorders.
- Track 4-1Emerging technology in clinical trials
- Track 4-2Recent clinical trials on AIDS
- Track 4-3Clinical trials on benign and malignant tumors
- Track 4-4Clinical trials on cardiovascular diseases
- Track 4-5Clinical trials on diabetes
- Track 4-6Clinical trials of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies
- Track 4-7Clinical trials on drugs used in psychological disorders
- Track 4-8Applications of biomarkers in clinical trials
Pharmacovigilance is the process monitoring the safety and efficacy of medicines, benefits and risks associated with the medicinal products begins from the pre-clinical trials and extend throughout its full life cycle. Pharmacovigilance and Risk Management is set of pharmacovigilance activities and interventions designed to identify, characterise, prevent or minimise risks relating to medicinal and therapeutic products calculating the effectiveness of their clinical interventions and combination therapies. Drug industry need to promote companies in pharmacovigilance practice to use information technology and to Review softwares used in pharmacovigilance and clinical trials. Monitoring unlicensed, off labels and orphan drugs is major task in risk management. Many experts from different pharmacovigilance CRO's , pharmacovigilance service providers and industrial delegates are participating in this conference to share their knowledge and discuss about the new updates.
- Track 5-1Information technology in pharmacovigilance and promoting companies
- Track 5-2Review of softwares used in pharmacovigilance and clinical trials
- Track 5-3Risk communication: Interface between pharmacovigilance, sales and marketing
- Track 5-4Monitoring unlicensed, off labels and orphan drugs
- Track 5-5Implementation of Risk Minimization Plans
Drug Safety is the pharmacological science ensuring safety and related to the collection, detection, assessment, monitoring, and prevention of adverse side effects with pharmacological action of pharmaceutical products. According to US FDA a drug is regarded as safe by looking at side effects, its manufacturing process and results of animal testing and clinical trials. In this track, we discuss Drug safety and its applications in various fields such as Softwares, Training etc.
- Track 6-1Drug Safety Updates
- Track 6-2Drug Safety Solutions
- Track 6-3Drug Safety Training
- Track 6-4Drug Safety Surveilance
- Track 6-5Drug Safety Services & Softwares
- Track 6-6Drug Safety Reporting & Monitoring
Good Pharmacovigilance Practices (GVP) begins with the acquisition of complete data from spontaneous adverse event reports. GVP characterizes the adverse event details, baseline patient characteristics, therapy details, diagnosis of the events and clinical course of the event. The role of Good Pharmacovigilance Practice and Pharmacoepidemology in Risk Management is mainly to increase the probability of beneficial effects of a drug in a population than the probability of adverse effects and to maintain the Good Reporting Practices by avoiding the major problems in risk management. Also it is important to concentrate on Signal investigation by gathering the information on new or unknown drug effects that is potentially caused by a medicine and that finally should lead to ensuring safety. The pharmacovigilance and clinical trials services providing companies should have the Pharmacovigilance certification .
- Track 7-1Role of pharmacovigilance and pharmacoepidemiology in risk management
- Track 7-2Good reporting practices
- Track 7-3Signal investigation via observational studies
- Track 7-4Interpreting safety signals
- Track 7-5Randomized clinical trials
- Track 7-6Ethical and social aspects of drug use
Good data quality management in pharmacovigilance can be relied only on information gathered from the collection of individual case safety reports and other pharmacoepidemiological data. Quality management consists of quality planning, quality control, quality assurance and quality improvements. The pharmacovigilance data processing cycle starts with data collection and, in computerised systems, data entry; the next step is data storage and maintenance; followed by data selection, retrieval and manipulation. The resulting data output is analysed and assessed. Finally, conclusions are drawn and decisions made. The quality of a pharmacovigilance data system can be defined as a measure of excellence or a state of being free from defects, deficiencies and significant variations and the data quality management includes all the activities that organizations use to direct, control and coordinate the quality of data. Several functioning, well documented and transparent quality management systems will assist in data collection management and output production and in addition will help the pharmacovigilance end users and patients.
- Track 8-1Data Quality Control and Assurance
- Track 8-2Quality Planning and Improvement
- Track 8-3Data Safety Monitoring
The main aim of pharmacovigilance is to provide complete and clear information related to drug safety and various risks and benefits associated with them. Pharmacovigilance can help in providing information of unintended and severe adverse events which could not be provided by clinical trials involving in-vivo method. It enhances the impact of pharmacovigilance on patient welfare and public health and to know what is pharmacovigilance. This track gives a brief discussion on Pharmacovigilance role in healthcare system. Pharmacovigilance legislation gives an outlook on the rules and laws to follow in Pharmacovigilance practice. The Role of pharma industries in the improvement of pharmacovigilance system is very crucial to maintain the safety data, Detection and Evaluation of drug safety signals through manual and medical devices reporting. Pharmacovigilance scope also deals as Ecopharmacovigilance (EPV), pharmacoenvironmentology and pharmacovigilance in herbal medicines.
- Track 9-1Significance of pharmacovigilance
- Track 9-2Pharmacovigilance and healthcare system
- Track 9-3Pharmacovigilance legislation
- Track 9-4Role of pharma industries in the improvement of pharmacovigilance system
- Track 9-5Detection and evaluation of drug safety signals through manual and medical devices reporting
- Track 9-6Ecopharmacovigilance (EPV), pharmacoenvironmentology and pharmacovigilance in herbal medicines
- Track 9-7Methods of pharmacovigilance
- Track 9-8Pharmacogenetic tests as tools in pharmacovigilance
In Clinical Research, Statistics plays a prominent role in regulatory submissions. Statistics applied to clinical research provide formal accounting for sources of variability in patient’s responses to treatment. The researchers make use of statistics to form reasonable and accurate inferences from collected data and to make accurate decisions in the presence of uncertainity. Statistical analysis of Pharmacovigilance can be achieved by several guidelines mainly ICH guidelines. Adverse Drug Reactions reports can also be considered for the regulatory submission.
- Track 10-1ICH guidelines for clinical research and its statistics
- Track 10-2Data mining concepts and techniques
- Track 10-3Stastical analysis of past pharmacovigilance and adverse drug reactions reports
- Track 10-4SAS Programing in Clinical Research and Pharmacutical Industry
Case Report forms an important part of Clinical Research. A case report form is a document specifically used in clinical trials. It is used as tool by the sponsor of the clinical trial to gather information from each participating site. It comprises of data of each and every patient participating in clinical trials including the adverse events. Case reports may be regarded as an unexpected association between diseases, disorders or symptoms. An unexpected event in the course of observing, treating a patient, possibilities of pathogenesis of a disease or an adverse effect. Unique or rare salient features of a disease or therapeutic approaches or a notable variation of the anatomical structures.
- Track 11-1Unique therapeutic approaches
- Track 11-2Cancer case reports
- Track 11-3Cardiovascular trials case report
- Track 11-4Case studies on sexually transmitted diseases
- Track 11-5Case studies on type 1 and type 2 diabetes
- Track 11-6Case reports on drugs used in pregnancy and lactation
- Track 11-7Individual case safety reports
Pharmacokinetics refers to study of the way in which drugs move through the body during absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion while pharmacodynamics is the effect that drugs have on the body. Drugs may undergo, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics and toxicity testing through animal testing. The phenomena of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion and pharmacokinetic principles enhances the safety and efficacy of therapeutic management of pharmaceutical drugs in an individual patient drug therapy. Pharmacodynamic Interactions, Drug and substance abuse, Drug-drug interactions and clinical drug intervention data allows research scientist estimate a safe starting dose of the drug for clinical trials in humans.
- Track 12-1Advances in pharmacokinetic interactions
- Track 12-2Advances in pharmacodynamic interactions
- Track 12-3Drug and substance abuse
- Track 12-4Drug-drug interactions
There is an advantage in centralising all safety data, clinical data, analysis and reporting with one provider. Pharmacovigilance Software tool provides comprehensive analysis of adverse events arising from the use of Pharmaceutical products (Medicinal Product, Medical Device, Vaccines, Non-Drug Therapy and Veterinary Medicinal Product). The drug safety database allows the risk- benefit analysis of medicinal products taking into account new and emerging information, in the context of cumulative information. Pharmacovigilance since beginning has been a compliance driven activity, wherein your regulatory compliance determines company’s risk assessment scores. A drug safety database offers scheduling of alerts for expedited cases, follow-up cases and PSUR/PADER reports submission to meet regulatory timeline compliance.
- Track 13-1WebVDME Pharmacovigilance Signal Detection and Signal Management Software
- Track 13-2Argus
- Track 13-3Aris G
- Track 13-4Clintrace
- Track 13-5PVNET
- Track 13-6RepClinical
- Track 13-7Oracle AERS
- Track 13-8Periodic safety update reports
- Track 13-9Post authorisation safety and efficacy studies
Due to the changing resources necessary to fulfil the regulatory requirements, some companies also choose to outsource or out task regulatory affairs to external service providers. Regulatory Affairs department is constantly evolving and growing and is the one which is least impacted during the Acquisition and Merger, and also during recession. The global pharmacovigilance market and Business opportunity bwas valued at USD 2,408.0 million in 2013 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 12.6% during the forecast period. Phase III clinical trials market was the second largest and was valued at over USD 750.0 million in 2013.
- Track 14-1Pharmacovigilance software Devlopment Companies
- Track 14-2Bussiness Opportunities for PV Software Devloping Companies
- Track 14-3Opportunities for PV Software Services companies
- Track 14-4Career Growth in PV Consulting
Regulatory Affairs for clinical trials is the major part in the clinical trials approaches. Regulatory affairs helps the healthcare industries to make safe and effective healthcare products available worldwide. Every clinical trial must be analysed according to the Regulatory Affairs Guidelines. There are several Regulatory Affairs departments depending upon the countries within evergrowing pace of companies. Global Harmonization in standards has led to consistent approach in regulatory submissions and hence its review.
- Track 15-1Regulatory Guidelines
- Track 15-2USFDA
- Track 15-3EU
- Track 15-4MHRA
- Track 15-5Regulations in Pharmacovigilance
The responsibility for development, production and marketing of drugs relies on the pharmaceutical industries. Pharmaceutical companies are focusing on turning chemical compounds into marketable prescription drugs. Strategies for Growth in Pharma Environment track mainly focused in Strategic development towards FDA approval and Post market product Surveillances. The updates and advances in Pharmacovigilance Regulation system are discussed under Advances in Changing Pharmacovigilance Regulation System track.
- Track 16-1Strategic development towards FDA approval
- Track 16-2Post market product surveillances
- Track 16-3Advances in changing pharmacovigilance regulation system
Pharmacy practice is the field of pharmacy which involves developing the professional roles of pharmacists. It includes Disease-state management, Clinical drug interventions, Pharmacy professional development and pharmaceutical care, pharmaceutical compounding and health psychology, patient care, drug abuse prevention, prevention of drug interactions or minimisation of adverse events and drug incompatibility and community pharmacy. There are several challenges to pharmacy practices. Antimicrobial drug resistance is becoming a major public health threat to the effectiveness of the existing antimicrobial drugs.
- Track 17-1Pharmacy practice and its guidelines
- Track 17-2Challenges in compounding and dispensing practice
- Track 17-3Dosage regimen, drug toxicity and drug safety measures
- Track 17-4Pharmacoepidemiology of drug shortages
- Track 17-5Drug Labelling
Initial investment, capital requirements, business financing, current trends and the amount of time will take to get your business up and running. Pharmacovigilance 2016 focus in collaboration and communication among the Pharma Professionals, Business Entrepreneurs, CEO’s and Pharma Industrial Persons.