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Alexey Skripkin

Alexey Skripkin

BIOCAD, Russian Federation


Alexey Skripkin, MD. He graduated from Rostov State Medical University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia) in 2005, passed Residency in neurology (2005-2007) and postgraduate training program (2007-2010) at the Moscow State Medical Academy n.a. I.M. Sechenov (Moscow, Russia). He continues his neurological practice. Alexey has 6 years of experience in pharmacovigilance, has passed a number of comprehensive pharmacovigilance and pharmacoepidemiology trainings in 2010-2016. He was an neurolology medical affairs manager at BIOCAD in 2010-2012. He is the BIOCAD’s Qualified Person for Pharmacovigilance since 2010, and the Head of Drug Safety Department since 2013.


Abstract : Postmarketing safety surveillance program results of the first Russian interferon beta-1b biosimilar