Adverse Drug Reactions

Adverse drug reactions can be considered a form of toxicity or enhanced drug effects that occur during appropriate use (e.g., when drug metabolism is temporarily inhibited by a disorder or another drug). In the US, 3 to 7% of all hospitalizations are due to adverse drug reactions. ADRs occur during 10 to 20% of hospitalizations; about 10 to 20% of these ADRs are severe. Incidence of death due to ADRs is unknown; suggested rates of 0.5 to 0.9% may be falsely high because many of the patients included had serious and complex disorders.

  • Acute and chronic adverse drug events
  • Post marketing reports on adverse effects
  • Assessing and reporting adverse drug reactions
  • Mechanism of adverse drug reactions

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Paris, France
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Amsterdam, Netherlands
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Zurich, Switzerland
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Zurich, Switzerland
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Vancouver, Canada
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39th World Congress on Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Paris, France
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17th World Drug Delivery Summit

Dubai, UAE
February 24-25, 2025

2nd International Conference on Pharmacognosy

Madrid, Spain
March 13-14, 2025

8th International on Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Conference

Prague, Czech Republic
April 14-15, 2025

18th European Biosimilars Congress

Aix-en-Provence, France

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